Margrit Pernau, Dominic Sachsenmaier ed, Global Conceptual History: A Reader


2016 9월 세미나 기록

일시: 2016년 9 10() 2:00-5:00

장소: 동아시아연구원

참석하영선, 손열, 전재성, 손병권, 용채영

리딩 및 발제: ​Margrit Pernau and Dominic Sachsenmaider ed, Global Conceptual History: A reader. (Bloomsbury, 2016). 

발제: 하영선 1장 Reinhart Koselleck, "Introduction to Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe" & 13장 Willibald Steinmetz, "Forty Years of Conceptual History: A State of the Art"

손병권 2장 Reinhart Koselleck, "Social History and Conceptual History"

전재성 3장 Rolf Reichardt, "For a Socio-historical semantics as a Middle Course between lexicometry and conceptual history"

용채영 5장 Quentin Skinner, "Rhetoric and Conceptual Change"

손열 9장 Andrew Sartori, "The Resonance of 'Culture': Framing a Problem in Global Concept-History" 


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